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Publications & Testimonials

Samples of my latest editing work published in high impact journals

" The excellent editing services provided by Dr. Miri Trainic greatly helped us to publish our manuscript entitled: '' in a highly respected journal. Her editing is insightful, thorough, and of a very high quality "

Prof. Ilan Koren. Head of the Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel

Size-Resolved Atmospheric Ice Nucleating Particles during East Asian Dust Events
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics Discussions


Chen, J., Wu, Z., Chen, J., Reicher, N., Fang, X., Rudich, Y., and Hu, M. Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss.,, in review, 2020.

" Dr. Miri Trainic offers an excellent and reliable editing service for scientific manuscripts. Her work is always up to par, and I highly recommend using her services. Dr. Trainic is flexible, committed, organized and efficient

Prof. Yinon Rudich. Dean, Faculty of Chemistry, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel

For a list of my publications please download my CV


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